In the last few years, instead of making resolutions, it has become popular to come up with a word, phrase, or verse for the year. A lot hangs in the balance as you look for this word, because it represents your hopes and dreams for the coming year.
My word for last year was NEW. The verses that went with it were, “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19 (KJV).
As I think back over the last year, I see so many new things that God placed in my life. A new grand baby was a sweet, big, NEW. I started new ways of doing things, especially where it concerns use of my time. I joined a new online writing group. Old things had worn out and were replaced with new things.
A huge “NEW” came from doing the review of Dr. Larry Crabb’s book, Inside Out. I’ll quote from last week’s blogpost— “Dr. Crabb says there is a sin of self-protection ‘when our legitimate thirst for receiving love creates a demand not to be hurt that overrides a commitment to lovingly involve ourselves with others.’ (p.141)”
And, Dr. Crabb’s view of the two categories of sin which included, “visible acts of transgression against clearly written biblical standards, and subtle violations of our Lord’s command to love. (p. 139)” It was new to me to realize the sin I was committing when I held myself back from wading into the sticky areas of relationship, instead of standing strong and stepping through the mud and mire to reach out in love.
NEW was a great word for 2021.
So… last week I asked God to give me a word and verse for this New Year. And, He was silent. I prayed and journaled. And, He was silent. God is often silent in my life and that makes me have to pursue Him more and check myself for any sin that might be coming between us. Humm, is that His purpose?
My Journal entry on 12-30-21 read:
Lord, I’m still looking for a word, phrase, verse. Trust? The God who sees? What should it be this year in 2022? Finish (as in the book I’m working on)? Eccl. 7:8? John 4:34? 1 Cor. 9:24, Complete? Finish? Phil 1:6? Lord, show me what YOU want for me this year. In Jesus name… Amen.
I was watching one of my favorite YouTubers yesterday, Katherine, from Do It On A Dime, as she cleaned up her messy kitchen. In her voiceover she said something like this: Did you know, your brain is hardwired to be motivated by completion. The human mind loves storytelling… beginning, middle, end… so—if you can work on a space and finish it— it motivates you to work on other projects.
How many areas of life can this be applied too? The goal of Completion!
So, I thought my word for the year was completion… until I re-read the verses from my prayer journal this morning and I have decided this year… I want to have a theme. I want all the verses. I want all the words that go with the theme.
“Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride.” Ecclesiastes 7:8 (NLT)
“Then Jesus explained: ‘My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing His work.” John 4:34 (NLT)
“Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!” 1 Corinthians 9:24(NLT)
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within your, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6 (NLT)
… and in another version…
“And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6 (ESV)
Do you see the theme? Finish, Run, Continue, Complete.
I have my theme! Now, my only problem is — How am I going to get it all on my letter board?:)
What is your word, verse, or theme for the year?
Great post Jane! Resolutions have never really worked for me and this is the first year I’ve chosen to go with a word for the new year. The word I’ve chosen came to me more by something I struggle with, and that is contentment. I never seem to be content in my situation. While I still want to always pursue excellence in all areas of life, this year I will also spend time being content in where God has me.
What a great word for the year, Tim! Contentment. Calm and peace seem to go with that word, also. I hope you have a calm and peaceful year, filled with contentment, as you pursue excellence:)
My word is deliberate–or deliberate. Verb or adjective, each context has me considering and purposely doing things. Purposely, as in there is a reason for why I do what I do. Considering because too often I jump in feet first and forget that I don’t know how to swim. I must be deliberate in my thinking and doing. I must deliberate on why. I must do these things on purpose.
Thanks for sharing! I like your words and as far as your board? Maybe you can make some small verse/word card holders and place around the house!
I love your word Stefanie! It’s like when Daniel “purposed” in his heart to not do anything wrong before God. He deliberately chose to honor God above all else. There are so many applications for your word. I think you will have a great year:)
I like your idea of placing the verses around the house. I tend to forget if I don’t have reminders, and that would give me reminders in every room!
Jane, I loved reading your process for finding your “word” for the year. My upcoming blog deals with my word for this year. Interesting to see and compare our thoughts on this.
Thanks Jane.
Thank you Debbie, I found your word, FOCUS!! I love that word. I can’t wait to see where that word takes you this year!
Thanks for sharing – and I’m so thankful you have your theme for this year. God’s never late. 🙂
AWE… Thank you Joni:)