
I am so excited that you have come to check out my website.

My desire is to make this a place where you can grab a cup of coffee or tea, let out a sigh that removes all your stress, and join me to look at ways to improve your life and the lives of those God has placed around you.

I will share resources that have helped me in the area of spiritual growth and have value for parenting, grand parenting, and relationships in general. I especially want to share resources for middle graders since those are the most formative years.

The book we should run to, first and foremost, is the Bible. The resources I share are intended to support, not replace, a daily reading of God’s Word. They are intended to add a deeper understanding of scriptures and to give the encouragement of seeing others doing life right. We will know there is hope for us, because we can do the same things.

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 NKJV