I love planting pansies this time of year. Did you know that if you plant them now, they will bloom all winter long until the end of May? After that the hot weather in June takes them out.

(SIDE NOTE) — My clematis and morning glories had taken over this area. There has been a ground snake living in here for several years. I usually find him at some point when I’m trying to plant flowers, and I’d seen him lying on the sidewalk in the sun several times this summer. The snake pit had to go. I dug it all out, but the snake saved himself by skittering down the hill and disappearing in the mulch. I laid down landscape fabric, added miracle grow moisture control potting soil, and mulch. I moved the clematis to another area. I’m sure Amazon Prime delivery personnel will be grateful. I did hear one of the Prime delivery ladies let out a yelp one day this summer, and when I looked out the window, she was running down the steps. I wondered if her response came from Mr. Snake deciding to come out of the thicket at that moment.

I think she will be much happier to walk by these pansies.


It reminds me of a card I keep on my desk that my granddaughter colored for me.

It sometimes seems we are trying to bloom in the harsh freezing cold of winter when that is not our season. Maybe our season to bloom is more like a mild spring, or it could be a hot summer.

But God really made something beautiful when He made the colorful pansies. And they provide pockets of hope in the winter months of our lives, when we see them bloom.

I’ve been thinking all day about a quote that I’ve mentioned on this blog in the past. It goes like this:

If you do what is easy your life will be hard. If you do what is hard your life will be easy.” – Les Brown

Another one I’ve thought a lot about today is:

“The enemy works through others to hurt you. If you miss that fact he hurts you a lot.” unknown

We have to be on guard to protect our selves from the influences of others who always take the easy paths and never do hard things. We should never let anyone stop us from doing hard things. We also have to be careful to not let the enemy use others to get us off track in our relationship with God. He has many scriptures on how we are to respond to others, and we need to stand firm and not be goaded to anger, disrespect, or harsh words, while trying our hardest to take every negative thought captive.

1 Corinthians 16:13 New Living Translation says, “Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.”

(Here comes another rabbit trail.)

I stopped in a Dollar Tree today to get some baskets and covered plastic boxes for an organizational project I was working on. I checked out with six of the covered plastic boxes, but the cashier miscounted and only charged me for five. I thought he made the mistake as I watched, but was unsure, so I waited until I was in my car to check the receipt— and the battle began.


He did make the mistake, but it’s only $1.25.

It was his mistake, I’m sure it happens all the time.

They won’t even miss $1.25.

The cashier and others in the store will think I’m crazy if I go back in there and pay for the plastic box.

It will probably just irritate the cashier.


It doesn’t matter if it is only $1.25, it’s stealing.

It would be the same thing as if you shop-lifted the item.

Think of how disappointed THE FATHER will be in His child, just as you would be if your child stole something.

What would you tell your children to do?

What would your grandchildren think of you?

Thou shalt not steal.


I went back in and paid $1.25. The cashier seemed surprised then grateful, and scanned a nearby bag of M&M’s so the cash register would work for the payment. There was one woman behind me in line. I have no idea if she had good or bad thoughts about any of it, but I’m praying that my actions provided a pocket of hope for someone that honesty can prevail, and somehow, even though I never brought up Christ, maybe my actions can speak louder than words.

I’m really praying that I can be a pocket of hope, just like the pansy is to me in the winter months, and not allow the enemy to use me to hurt someone or take them down in their relationship with God.

And LORD help me, I always want to do hard things and bloom beautifully, even in the winter months.