Do you feel you have missed your calling? Does each day that passes leave you thinking… there has to be more to life than this. What am I missing? Why do I never feel satisfied with what I have done at the end of each day?
Have you ever wished you could just make a phone call, connect directly to God… then ask Him all the questions you have struggled with and what He actually intended for you to do with your life?
Today, I want to share a resource that I first heard about here… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ewzvx3NY1A.
Free To Be You, is a work booklet written by Elizabeth and Sylvia Gunter, a mother/daughter team. It is designed to help you work through and find your spiritual gift/gifts given to you by God that you should be working in to fulflll God’s design for you. The authors say, “True freedom is waiting when you cease striving to fit into everyone else’s box and become exactly who God designed you to be—a one-of-a-kind masterpiece of art.” (p.5)
In the book, Elizabeth and Sylvia share pages of profiles based on the gifts of Romans 12. You go through and check the qualities listed under each profile and the one with the most checks determines your gifting… although they are quick to assure you, you may have a few characteristics from all the gifts. I was quickly able to determine that my gifting is teacher. It stood out strongly above all the rest.
The profiles are based on the gifts listed in Romans 12 which are:
- Profile 1 Prophet
- Profile 2 Servant
- Profile 3 Teacher
- Profile 4 Exhorter
- Profile 5 Giver
- Profile 6 Ruler
- Profile 7 Mercy (see page 26)
“The Bible lists spiritual gifts in Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4…..The gifts in Romans 12 have been called the motivational gifts. These seven gifts shape our views of others, ourselves, and God. It is the mindset that God gives us through which we interpret life and respond, make decisions, choose ministry, enjoy friends, choose a mate, etc.” (p. 27)
More detail is given in the book about the different spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4, but I wanted to concentrate more on the gifts of Romans 12 for this blogpost.
On pages 29-31, the authors spend time going over how parenting, birth order, maturity, gender, woundedness, culture and time, and left-brain versus right-brain, also determine how you will work in your gifting.
The next section of the book, pages 34-61, goes over examples from the Bible of people who represented each gifting and gives an interview with someone who would fall in that category to further clarify the personality traits of each gift.
I found this fascinating to read and will at least share which persons fell under which gifts.
- Prophet: Peter
- Servant: Esther
- Teacher: Luke
- Exhorter: Paul
- Giver: Abraham
- Ruler: Nehemiah
- Mercy: John
Amazon has the book listed for $12.99 plus shipping, but you can find this booklet for sale for $7.00 on Sylvia Gunter’s website: https://thefathersbusiness.com/
I hope you will order the book today so you can get started working in your gifts and find your days more fulfilling and free.