About Me

When I was in my twenties, my eyes were suddenly opened to an untruth that I had believed all my life. When I tell you what this untruth was, I believe you will think… why does that matter? Why should we worry over such tiny untruths?

But, untruthfulness does matter. I have heard several people say, “a half truth is a whole lie.” That is a deep truth.

Here is the untruth I believed. I had heard people in my life say over and over… “Another rainy day, how depressing.” OR “Rainy days make me depressed.” I took that upon myself as truth for me. Any day that it was raining I expected to be depressed… and so I was.

But one rainy day, I looked at the gray skies, and heard the gentle patter of rain on the roof, and listened to the birds singing in the rain, and I thought… how peaceful and calming. After that my truth about rainy days changed. I loved rainy days. I could work inside, read books, sit in front of a fire, have a cup of hot tea. Good times!

Opening myself up to the lie that rainy days were depressing made me look for all the other lies in my life that I had believed. And so in my thirties and forties I went on a quest for truth. I wanted to see the truth in all things and weed out the lies that I had thought were truths.

Then my fifties hit. I had worked as a labor and delivery/neonatal intensive care nurse for twenty-five years, but had always had a desire in my heart to write books. I had no talent or ability for writing, just the desire and what I felt was a calling from God. With the encouragement of my husband, I retired from nursing and began to study the world of writing.

Mentoring at a local middle school, and teaching middle grade Sunday school, pulled my heart in the direction of writing Middle Grade novels and YA Fiction.

I desired to share stories about hope, stories that build character in young readers, and stories that explore truth in all circumstances.

Thus, Set Apart Storytelling was born in my desire to deliver hope, character, and truth to young readers. I am currently working on a series that I pray will meet this goal.

My aspirations for this blog are to share books and resources that have encouraged me to be a better person in Christ, and to share experiences that have brought me closer to the truths I so desire to understand. I want to share books that others have written that are good reads for middle graders and young adults.

I want to share motivational topics, gardening topics, and projects that show others what they can accomplish.

My hope is that everything I share will reach across the generations and inspire all of us to seek truth, work hard, and be successful— as viewed from God’s perspective and His Word.

Thank you for stopping by. I pray you find your truth in life.

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV

Jane H. Green:
Joint Heir with Christ, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Blogger, Writer, Avid Reader, Gardner, Searching for God’s Truth in all Circumstances