The Marvel Museum: A Review

This week I am reviewing a resource for families and individuals with a love for history and learning about obscure people who’ve made a difference in the world. This resource comes in the form of “Learning Guides” that help you dive deep into the...

Ox-Cart Man: A Review

Today I have another review on a children’s picture book that I think you will love. Ox-Cart Man, written by Donald Hall and illustrated by Barbara Cooney is a sweet book for children that has won the Caldecott Medal. The New York Times Book Review said this...

Fritz and the Beautiful Horses: A Book Review

Have you ever felt inadequate as you view what others post on FaceBook or other forms of social media? Do they seem younger, thinner, more beautiful than you? Maybe you follow the Bible closely and have developed a gentle and kind spirit, and you love to work hard....

The Christian Home

During the winter I kept an amaryllis plant in my dining room hoping it would bloom. All of my other amaryllis’ are red. This one, if I remember correctly, is called apple blossom and was a variegated white/pink color. I finally gave up on it and put it in my...

“Psychosomatic Health”

I’ve never heard this term, Psychosomatic Health, used before until I found a chapter about it in a book I recently mentioned on this blog. I’m taking a break from posting on my progress on digging out the patio area. I’m hoping that in two weeks I...