Sarah Whitcher’s Story by Elizabeth Yates: A Review

Sarah Whitcher’s Story, by Elizabeth Yates, is listed on the cover as a folktale from New Hampshire. A folktale is a story passed down through the years by word of mouth. They may have a bit of truth in them, or be more like a fairy tale. They are passed down as...

Being Known

What a beautiful book cover! I want to be there on this cold, rainy day!! If you have read any of my other blog posts, you know how much I love the author, Robin Jones Gunn. I devour any new book she writes and read the older ones over when I am out of reading...

Christian Fiction Medical Series

I typically don’t read medical series or watch medical shows on TV. They usually get it wrong, and after spending many years in the medical field as a Neonatal Intensive Care and Labor and Delivery nurse, I tend to nitpick their discrepancies. The series I am...

Review of Book for Teen Girls

Purple Moon, by Tessa Emily Hall, is great fiction for teen girls that focuses on many of the struggles that are faced by them today and encourages redemption, found through a relationship with Christ. Some of the issues addressed in the story are drug and alcohol...

Great Fiction For Women Young And Old

Robin Jones Gunn is one of my favorite authors. She has written several series of Christian fiction for young girls and several non-fiction books. My daughter grew up on the Christy Miller series and has said many times that those books played a role in the choices...