I am so excited to share this book review with you. Grave Consequences A Charlotte graves Mystery – is written by Christian author, Debra DuPree Williams, Copyright 2020. If you like murder mysteries, southern charm, and being on the edge of your seat as to what will happen next, this book will be right up your alley.

I just finished reading it for the second time. I wanted to refresh my mind on the storyline because Book two in the series will be released very soon, and I can’t wait!

The story is set in 1968 and Debra did a great job of creating scenes very reminiscent of that era… whether in the houses, stores, music, cars, or foods. I felt like I was there — living in those historical scenes.

The main character, Charlotte Graves, has just returned home after running away to Savanah for nine years due to finding her boyfriend in an awkward situation with none other than her arch nemesis, Boopsie Sweets. The death of Charlotte’s father called her home as she had to help her mother catalog and inventory what’s left in their old music store in preparation for selling it.

Besides staying busy in the music store, Charlotte’s skills as a genealogist are well known by leaders in the town, and she is hired to oversee the Woodville County Historical Society. The first meeting had barely begun when Boopsie Sweets, of all people, confronts Charlotte with these words, “‘Charlotte Graves has no business being the director of the WHS or anything remotely related to genealogy when she doesn’t even know her own ancestors.'” (p. 3)

As Charlotte tries to leave after the horrible beginning to her new job, Boopsie once more accosts her at her car with more jabs. Boopsie grabs her arm and says, “‘You need to know, someone in that room tonight is your real grandmother. You just ask your mama. I can’t believe you haven’t figured that out by now….'” (p.6)

That very night Boopsie turns up dead. And who should find her, but Charlotte. Suddenly the police arrive and there’s Charlotte kneeling beside the body with a frying pan lying nearby.

Now it’s on.

Charlotte has to prove her innocence by discovering what secrets Boopsie knew about the residents of Loblolly that got her killed.

I love all the characters in the story. Debra does a great job of making you feel like they could be a member of your family, if you live in the South. From Roan Steele, the ex-boyfriend, now on the police force of Loblolly, to her cousin, Fee (Fiona), who is more like a sister than cousin, the story begins to unfold as they try to help the very independent Charlotte solve the murder.

There is not a character that I didn’t like in the story. I truly felt I knew them all, even the sinister characters, because they were so well-written into the plot.

I loved the southern flow of language in the story, and that Charlotte frequently used the term “‘pickled bricks‘” when overly excited, finding something unbelievable, or if she was just now figuring out something she should have already known. I might take that up as my words to use when I’m upset, because it was so much fun to read.

An old diary, a hidden grave, and some interesting genealogical records helps Charlotte begin to unfold the mystery. Many of the secrets lie hidden in the very old southern estate, Rose Haven, where sweet “Miss Marge” lives. But, finding out the secrets puts Charlotte in very grave danger. When Charlotte finally pulls all the skeleton’s out of the closets of the older, genteel, folks of Loblolly, will anyone ever be the same? Will Charlotte?

You’ll have to read to find out, and I highly recommend you reading soon, before the next book comes out, possibly at the first of next year. That way you will be up to date with the storyline.

I feel this book will be very entertaining for late teens through the senior-aged years. It keeps you guessing as to what are the big family secrets, who killed Boopsie, and what on earth is Charlotte going to do next. You can find it on Amazon. Order soon!

There is also a new cover coming out for Grave Consequences in the future, so be looking for that when you order. As of now, the cover on Amazon is the one from the picture at the beginning of this post.

Happy Reading!