I took a burden to the Lord To cast and leave it there. I knelt and told Him of my plight, And wrestled deep in prayer.

But rising up to go my way I felt a deep despair, For as I tried to trudge along, My burden was still there!

Why didn’t you take my burden, Lord? Oh, won’t you take it, please. Again I asked the Lord for help, His answering words were these:

My child, I want to help you out I long to take your load I want to bear your burdens too As you walk along life’s road.

But this you must remember, This one thing you must know… I cannot take your burden Until you let it go.  

– Betty Curti

One of my favorite songs of recent years is “In My Father’s House”, by Cory Asbury. I added the song to my music library on my phone a few years back, and listen to it often. Today it is playing in my head. In the song it talks about laying your burdens down. Here is a link to the song.

What burdens are you carrying that need to be given to the LORD today, and left there?