I’ve finished some projects and can now get back to reading more. YAY!

I just finished a great book that I’d like to recommend if you like Christian suspense with a little romance thrown in on the side.

I actually met this author a few weeks ago, and when one of my friends mentioned that she writes very good suspense, I had to check it out. That is one of my favorite genre’s.

The Secret of Jenny’s Portrait, by Kim Teague is the first book in a series, The Force Of Truth Series.

The main character, Jenny Thomas, is a nurse. As the book begins, she and a friend are traveling to Washington, D.C. from North Carolina take on new nursing jobs at St. Michael’s Hospital. As rain pours down, a hit and run occurs right before Jenny’s eyes. She pulls over to help the victim. Her friend, Kelly, pulls up behind her to call 9-1-1.

After assessing the victim, Jenny was able to help him to her car to get out of the rain as they waited for the ambulance to arrive. When the ambulance pulls up, the victim, T.J., steps out of Jenny’s car to walk over to the ambulance. Gunshots sound and T.J. crumples to the ground covered in blood. But, he’s left something behind for Jenny to find.

The action begins.

A well aimed ketchup bottles saves the next victim that Jenny encounters and leads her to meet a charming FBI agent, Joe Peterson.

Jenny has to rely on Joe and the FBI’s protection as she is followed by a man in a black Jaguar.

Kim has well developed character’s for every age reader. Ricardo, a twelve-year-old soccer player that lives, in Jenny’s apartment, wins her heart as she teaches him a thing or two about playing soccer. His entire family become close friends with Jenny.

Aunt Martha, is an older character that is fun and relatable to older readers. She is ex-CIA, has been to exciting places and — don’t mess with her— she’s packing. She’s also a great cook and host to large gatherings of family and friends.

There’s a mystery surrounding terrorists attacks on art gallery’s. Jenny’s portrait, painted by now retired Aunt Martha, contains a secret. Jenny discovers the secret and is kidnapped. Will Joe, who has developed deep feelings for Jenny, and Aunt Martha be able to save her in time?

You’ll have to read the book to find out.

I enjoyed this well written suspense book. I enjoyed the fact that it is a very clean Christian read and that so many of the characters relied on God to get them through their hard days.

I hope you’ll give it a try. I would recommend this book for teens through older adults. You can find it on Amazon. Our local library will also order books that you recommend and put them on the library shelves. If your library doesn’t have this book, maybe you could help Kim out and ask them to order it.

Happy Reading!