Jane H. Green Blog

Take My Hand

When I am overloaded mentally, sometimes I just want to find an easy, fun, book to read. Most of the time I go for middle-grade books because they're usually well written with great descriptions and roll through your head like a movie as you read them. So, on...

Survival Mode

I had a very long "to-do" list for Monday. And, I got a lot of work accomplished. My body let me know that in the evening when it was stiff and aching. But mentally and spiritually, all day, I was in survival mode. Some days are just like that. You have to fight...

When The End is in Sight

I started my DIY patio project in April. Now, midway through August, the end is in sight. Below is right at the beginning when I was having to wet the clay to be able to dig it out. Here is a more recent view from close to the same angle showing more of where I am...

Dealing With Plagues

When you think of plagues, most of the time for Christians, our minds go to Moses and bloodied water, frogs, lice, grasshoppers, boils, hail, and death, etcetera. As I worked in the garden this week, I kept thinking we actually deal with plagues every day. My...

Splitting the Difference

I began to work once more on the patio area where our picnic table will be this morning. I had stopped for awhile to catch up a few other projects, but now I'm back at work. It is very tricky to work in this area because there is a natural slope two different ways....

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