The garden life

One of my favorite YouTubers uses that term a lot. Her channel is all about gardening inside and outside our homes and making relaxing spaces. You can check her channel out by googling Linda Vater.

I’m understanding that term more and more as I work inside and out to create a beautiful environment for family and friends to relax in. I would like to open my home up more often… to show hospitality to others. My daughter and I were discussing having guests over as we chilled in the pool today. It’s a lot of work to have guests come to your home, but as she said— the worst part is trying to get everyone’s schedule to coincide.

1 Peter 4:9 says, “Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.” (ESV)

So when I get ready to invite others to my home I need to be joyful, cheerful, and find satisfaction in a job well done as I work to prepare for guests. And, not give up if their schedule doesn’t work out the first time.

My home and gardens are a work in progress, as I try to make a calm restful environment come to life.

For a long time I have wanted two rocking chairs for the front porch. Porch rockers are expensive.

Then I realized, I already have two rocking chairs, one in the play area downstairs, and one in our living room. They are never used. So I began the process of painting them. The first one was easy because I bought it at a yard sale years ago, and the finish was already mostly worn off. I used Krylon spray paint with primer. Now, that is some great paint if you have a project to do.



The other chair had varnish on it so I have spent a good portion of the day using paint stripper, then sanding that chair. It may be a few more days before I have it finished. But I’ve already placed the first rocker on my porch.

I have some chair cushions that I will put in the chair once I’m sure the paint is totally cured. The basket holds a cat bed. It has been a favorite place for our cat to sleep.

Here is my view from the porch rocker.

A very relaxing view.

And I get to watch hummingbirds coming to our feeder on the front porch.

I learned from Linda Vater to bring the garden life inside.

Saturday I purchased an orchid, and a Venus fly trap from Ingles, on my way home from a Women’s conference entitled Freedom In Christ. It was a great conference and my take away was—Christ’s death on the cross freed us from the burden of sin. If we establish a relationship with Him and let His Holy Spirit help us… we can walk in obedience and not sin. One woman after another gave their testimonies of disobeying God, going down sinful paths, and then coming to their senses and desiring to be free. They turned their lives over completely to let Christ rule and have never been happier or more blessed.

The plants added to my blessings for that day. A great conference— AND flowers. Wonderful blessings!

I placed the plants on my window sill in the kitchen to enjoy as I wash dishes and cook.

Here is a close up view:

I think the orchid is beautiful and the Venus fly trap can help take care of the fruit flys. Did you know that Venus fly traps are native to North and South Carolina? They are found in the swampy areas of these two states.

Do you enjoy the garden life? Can you look at a flower and see The Creator that designed it? Can you look at a hummingbird and see The Creator? What is your favorite flower or bird?