We’ve made it to August. A few more months and we will be enjoying cooler days and beautiful colored leaves against bright blue skies. But, until those days arrive, you can still enjoy summer’s hot days with a good book to read.

This book, Finding Grace, by Allison Green Martin, will take you to a small North Carolina town during a weekend celebration of July 4th. Allison weaves a story about human error, wrong choices in life’s situations, and the redemptive power of God’s love and grace with a supernatural element thrown in. Think, The Sixth Sense film.

The main characters, Jana Peterson, a social worker, and Cade Thompson, a deputy sheriff, seem very true to life. The friends and family that surround this couple, only wanting the best for them, add humor and give a “real life” movie quality to the story. As Jana and Cade try to piece together the mystery surrounding the appearance of a small girl, found abandoned near a corn field on a country road, they are moved through the challenges of dealing with a father stricken with Azheimer’s, a lonely widow, and friends and family trying to help them see, they were meant to be together.

The plot twists and turns as messages are delivered to them through natural and supernatural elements. Will they solve the mystery and find the love and grace that we are all looking for? Is love and grace enough, to fix life’s difficult situations?

I would recommend this book for late teen girls and women. With the characters of Cade, his very humorous friend, Brian, and Jana’s “man of few words”, dad, I think men who love to read may enjoy the book as well.

What are some of your favorite summer reads?