Do you ever get dog tired?

Like, every bone and muscle in your body aches, and you feel you can’t walk, talk, or feed yourself?

Today was like that for me.

I drove 1 1/2 hours. Dug out Bermuda grass (that stuff has to be from Satan😉). Pinned down landscape fabric, cut holes and planted flowers. Mulched. Dug up and cut small trees that had taken over an extremely large flower bed. Laid landscape fabric over another bed that was weed eated and cleaned off around a heat pump. Pinned down the fabric, returned the keystone border, and gravel was added to the area.

I was not working alone. My younger brother was working right along beside me. We worked from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.

Six hours.

It all sounds like reasonable work, but we were clearing off big stuff and hauling it away.

And I’m dog tired.

My hands began cramping as soon as I started driving home. My legs started cramping when I was about 30 min from home and stuck in traffic, due to a wreck. Both legs. The worse cramps I think I’ve ever had. I wanted pickle juice like nobody’s business. I finally resorted to putting my cold water bottle on the cramping areas and moving from one to another. And I was praying.

I don’t mean sweet, quiet, little prayers.

I was loud.

Begging for pain relief.

And trying to keep inching my car forward with traffic. After awhile the cramps eased off. An answer to prayer? I think so.

When I got home I hobbled around unloading my car. Drank some pickle juice. And did an Epsom salt, baking soda, coconut oil, and lavender soak.

All better.

And, tomorrow, after sleeping, I will be totally recovered. This happens to me all the time.

And I am amazed.

How did the Creator of the Universe, make our bodies so amazing that they can recover with one good nights sleep?

According to an OrthoCarolina post, “As you fall into the deeper stages of sleep your muscles will see an increase in blood flow, which brings along oxygen and nutrients that help recover and repair muscles and regenerate cells…. The hormone prolactin, which helps regulate inflammation, is also released while sleeping. You can read more about the miracle of recovery here.

These miracles alone should be enough make you believe in an Amazing Creator and appreciate all He provides for us.

I know I’m appreciative. Recovery gives me the hope and courage to get right back to work the next day. I don’t have to take it easy, usually I’m recovered.

Whether doing our own work or helping others, we can rest in the fact that God supplies all our needs so we can push on. We might have a dog tired day occasionally, but it brings joy to the heart to know God provided for us when He created us.

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:9-10

Do you have any tricks to speed your recovery that you would like to share? [Mine were pickle juice, epsom salts, baking soda, lavender, coconut oil. And, of course, a good nights sleep:)]