Lately, I have been struggling and in need of hearing from God. We hear from Him through His Word, our prayers, preaching, and sometimes a word spoken from others.

I have yearned for a Bible study with other women who study their Bible in depth that I could meet with. I would love to find people who would willingly discuss the deep issues in Scripture, but they are hard to find. I’m not saying you can’t find them, because I have several close friends that can do this, and a few family members, but I find that a lot of people who claim to be Christians are either shy when the subject of God is brought up, or know very little of the Bible to be able to discuss it. Some might be newly saved, and it is understandable that they might not know much scripture, but I expect them to be hungry for it, and wanting to learn— if they are truly saved. But there are others who have been saved for a lifetime, and yet know very little.

Recently in our children’s church, the leader was quizzing the kids on scripture. Here are two questions that several of the adults working in children’s church didn’t know:

  1. How many people were on the ark (Noah’s Ark)?
  2. What Isle was John on when he wrote the book of Revelation?

Now, I tell on them cautiously,(😉) because the next time there will probably be a question in the children’s church that I won’t know, and I will be embarrassed. But, I also tell myself right now— “Self—You had better go home and study that today if the children have learned it and you haven’t.” I have a feeling that those workers did the same thing.

Another problem I have had recently— is that due to lack of energy, and stress, I sit in the morning with my coffee and Bible and read the same passage over and over and over, with no discernment, or anything entering my brain from what I’ve just read. So I read it again. And again. And again.

I normally read the KJV version, and then look up those scriptures in ESV, NLT, NASB, NKJV, ect. I have a parallel Bible with KJV on one side of the page and NLT on the other, but it was driving me crazy because I would be reading and find myself not knowing which side of the page continued the version I wanted to read because I was having a hard time concentrating. So I bought a women’s NLT, by itself, version. It also helps because I hear from other women who have written excerpts in it. So it’s kinda like a Bible study with other women.

I have found with feeding myself, I have to have my own space to escape to and be alone with God. I used to do that in my office, but now I find I need to use it for the extra bedroom it is, for my grandchildren. So, I have made myself another place. I start my daily Bible reading around 5:00 a.m. Rarely do I have to worry that anyone else in the house will be getting up and interrupting my time alone with the LORD.

Here is what I’ve done to carve out a new space for myself so that I could keep all my material together. I had a small metal antique desk that I updated with paint and transfers. (I love the French Country look and that was what I was going for).

Metal desk before, with contact paper on the top to cover the rust on it.

I painted the desk white, added transfers, and used polycrylic to protect the top.

I found an antique chair at the Habitat restore, added a Pioneer Woman placemat to the seat, and picked up a basket at a local antique, thrift-type store, to hold my extra books.

I love the decoupage on top of the basket lid.

What’s inside the basket.

I’ve carved out an area that I claim for myself to be alone with God, but this desk is way to small for me to study at, although it does corral all my study tools in one area. Luckily this area is in a corner of the dining room, and I can easily move everything I need to the dining room table and spread out, then put it all back.

I took this picture around 5:30 a.m. this morning in the middle of my Bible study time. Even the dining room table sometimes has trouble holding everything for me. (Note the NLT Bible hanging off the side of the table.)

I wanted to show you some sweet study tools my grandchildren have supplied me with, and also share about the resource in the top right corner of the picture. A sweet friend shared this resource with me, and the title caught my attention immediately— Desperate For HOPE. But, this blog is running way longer than anyone would want to have to read, so— it will be continued next week.

**One note I would like to add, if you are looking for people to discuss the Bible with that won’t be shy about it, try children. They are hungry for God and you will find you can have some very interesting discussions.😃

“But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14

Have you carved out a special place in your home to meet with God each day? If so, please tell us about it in the comments below:)