Last week I did a post on how to feed yourself from God’s Word. I wanted to continue this week with some interesting gifts from my grandchildren that have supplied me with tools to go deeper. I find it amazing that children are more often in tune with the needs of others than adults are. I also find it interesting that they are many times more willing to talk of deep spiritual matters than adults are.

The Bible says:

Deuteronomy 6:5-9 King James Version

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:

And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates. (Bible Gateway)

And in return, children share what they are taught back to us.

Here are a few examples.

My oldest grandson, Finn, (11-years-old) received a mini printer from his aunt for Christmas and used it to painstakingly make this book for me. Notice all the cats? I have about that many ferrel cats around my house that I’m dealing with. Three of the kittens have adopted me, and I also learn about God from them—how God supplies kittens needs by creating tender hearts. How can you not love kittens who curl up together and use each other for pillows?

But I digress….

Inside Finn’s booklet he printed and pasted encouraging Psalms for me. Here are just a few.

And patiently colored a border around each Psalm.

He left empty pages, with the heading “notes” for me to write verses on, but he took the time to put little pictures or words on the top of each page or in the corners.

I laughed when I got to the section where on each separate page he wrote the words: READ, HAVE FUN, EAT! I wanted to give him a hug.

The scriptures that carried over to this page didn’t exactly go with “have fun”, but even with evil around us, maybe we should get away and look for fun.

This verse was more in tuned with eating:)

This little booklet has filled my soul over the weeks since he gave it to me, as a reminder of how good God is to work through a sweet kid like Finn to be a living testimony to others.

Clark, separately from Finn, also gave me a gift.

This was part of his school work. Notice the cat theme? Ha Ha. But he colored it with me in mind… see heading at the top. And it was a teaching moment for me also as I studied the back of it to see if I could live up to being TRUSTWORTHY!

Lydia, who is also nine-years-old, supplies me with colorful stickers to make bookmarks for my Bible. (Originally, my daughter and daughter-in-law were due on the same day but Lydia came a couple of weeks earlier than Clark. They have a special cousin bond because of this.)

And the next two grandchildren, Elliott (seven-years-old) and Arthur (almost three-years-old) randomly supply me with hugs and I love you’s, that fill up my heart. (Elliott and Finn have a special cousin bond because they both have asthma and have struggled greatly with health issues.)

We’re waiting on Phoebe Renee to make her appearance any day now.

What treasures the LORD gives to us!

He feeds our longing souls and shows us a little glimpse into heaven.

I also started the Bible study this morning that I mentioned last week.

Vaneetha Risner has suffered terribly in life, but through the suffering, she shares the deeper walk you can have with God. She demonstrates how suffering has a purpose. I bought the book from Amazon, and the book supplies you with a code to watch a video for each session.

The sessions include:

  • An introduction
  • If God Loves Me, How Could He Let This Happen?
  • How Can I Know God’s Presence When He Feels So Distant?
  • What if the Worst Happens?
  • Why Is God Letting Me Suffer?
  • How can God Use My Suffering When I Feel Useless?
  • What if This Never Gets Better? (Table of Contents p.3)

I watched the first weeks video, and it was amazing. I can already tell this will be a great study. If you are longing to be in a Bible study and there is none available near you, you might want to try this one.

I pray you have a great week as you seek out resources to encourage and strengthen you in the LORD.