Jane H. Green, Writer


Happy New Year! So how are you starting this New Year, 2024? Do you have a word, a Bible verse, or do you make resolutions? Or do you just let God guide each day for you and rest in that? (Maybe I'll try that next year!) I have found that I do better with Bible verses...

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Christmas and The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Today we celebrate Christmas which marks the beginning of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, as prophecy was fulfilled by the birth of Baby Jesus. A Savior was sent from above to save the world from sin and eternal punishment. He was sent to live a perfect life and to...

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Exhaustion Day

Each week I have been going through The Seven Pillars of Health book, by Dr. Colbert. We have two pillars left to cover. The sixth pillar is about supplements and Dr. Colbert has given a very in-depth look at them. It is way too much for me to cover here, and I really...

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