Jane H. Green, Writer
Terror In The Night
The title of this blogpost sounds like a bad movie. Oh wait! It is—from 1994. But I'm not talking about a bad movie. If you have asthma, or know someone with asthma, you know the terror of not being able to breathe. And the most life threatening attacks always occur...
Dog Tired
Do you ever get dog tired? Like, every bone and muscle in your body aches, and you feel you can't walk, talk, or feed yourself? Today was like that for me. I drove 1 1/2 hours. Dug out Bermuda grass (that stuff has to be from Satan😉). Pinned down landscape fabric, cut...
What Did July 4th Celebrations Look Like Long Ago?
The best answer to the question posed in the title of this blogpost is a look at Laura Ingalls Wilder's description of how they celebrated in her Little Town On The Prairie book. (see pp. 65-85) They did no work with the exception of chores and housework. They...