Jane H. Green, Writer

The Spirit Speaks

How to Hear God's Voice When You Read the Bible by Tyler Gaulden Book Review We recently had revival at our church. One of the pastors that spoke was Tyler Gaulden. He had these small books for sale, and I purchased one. After I began to read it, I decided I wanted to...

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Using Prayer Journals

The picture above represents twelve prayer journals that I wrote in over a span of five plus years. On February 28, 2022, I burned them all. Yes, you read that right. I had been contemplating whether I should keep them for a good while. They represented some very hard...

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Library Book Sale Haul

Last week I did a post on the value of using the Public Library. My local library was having a sale and I took advantage of it. Here is the haul. I purchased eight books and one Hallmark DVD for a grand total of $10.50. I was able to share the Ten Little Dogs book,...

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