Jane H. Green, Writer

Lay Your Burdens Down

I took a burden to the Lord To cast and leave it there. I knelt and told Him of my plight, And wrestled deep in prayer. But rising up to go my way I felt a deep despair, For as I tried to trudge along, My burden was still there! Why didn’t you take my burden, Lord?...

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When Your Answer Really is — Just Around The Corner

I've been blogging over several posts about the progress of taking carpet off our front porch. On May 17th I started tearing out the carpet to get rid of dust, allergens, cat hair, dirt... you name it. Since then I've run the gamut of up's and down's on trying to...

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The Christian Home

During the winter I kept an amaryllis plant in my dining room hoping it would bloom. All of my other amaryllis' are red. This one, if I remember correctly, is called apple blossom and was a variegated white/pink color. I finally gave up on it and put it in my small...

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