Jane H. Green, Writer

You Can Do Hard Things!

I've been working on installing a DIY patio now for several weeks. By myself, I dug out the area and transported the sod to the backyard where it can be tilled and incorporated into a deep slope. By Saturday, I had finished digging out all the sod and spent that day...

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Patio Update

I am continuing to work on the patio area when it is not raining. I got a little more dug out today, but it was very hot, muggy, and buggy. The gnats were terrible. It seems lavender repels them a little, and I have a spray that I use to keep them away from my face as...

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“Psychosomatic Health”

I've never heard this term, Psychosomatic Health, used before until I found a chapter about it in a book I recently mentioned on this blog. I'm taking a break from posting on my progress on digging out the patio area. I'm hoping that in two weeks I can post the...

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