As I look at the second half of this wonderful book, I believe the focus has to be on how we spend time with God. Sara says that she “was looking at spending time with God as something that happened when all the work of life was complete….” (p. 113) When she realized this wasn’t working, she developed what she calls the “wonder hour.” She penciled into her calendar, several times a week, the words “wonder hour.” This was separate from her daily devotions. She says, “During wonder hour, I chose to trust God with a part of my life I clung to most tightly: my time.” She equates it with Mary in the New Testament, sitting at the feet of Jesus. (p. 114)
Sara learned to ask questions: “What is greatness to You, God? What are Your wondrous works?” (p. 117) And, “what if our real mark on earth was meant to reverberate in heaven?” She goes on to say, “Many a small group is launched, blog written, and book published by ones who are itching to climb out of the hidden place. All these things can be beautiful within God’s timing.” (p. 130) But when the question is…”When will I ever get out of this place?” that’s “the places God loves to show us Himself.” (p.131)
I love how she addresses prayers. Does God meet us more when we are praying for big things, changes of hearts, changes of country, ectera, or does He meet us in the small things, “God, I’m tired…I’m feeling overwhelmed… Would you bring me peace in this moment?” Sara says, “He starts where we are, and sometimes we need to start small…. Through my tiny prayers, I noticed subtle growth, a new fresh hunger for God. My tiny prayers were carving new space in my spirit to hear God’s voice and to expect an enjoyable exchange, not a monologue.” (p 142)
“Jesus, whose assignment was to save the whole world, took time out to be with God.” (p. 144)
To pray:
“Speak the Word of God. Out loud.
Adore God.
Recognize the truth about yourself in light of who God is.” (See pages 145-152)
I especially loved the details she gave for the last one from Psalm 18:19 “He delivered me because He delighted in me”. “We all struggle to believe His delight…. So much of the distance between God and us could be spanned if we’d let His Word inform us about who He is and who we are in Him.” (pp.152-154)
I have read so many books on forgiveness, and not having an offense. I love the fresh outlook that Sara gives to being mistreated. “And so, in some ways, the one who mistreats me gives me a gift: the gift of collapsing into the arms of God. What happens in the secret place between God and me is out of that person’s reach, making it even sweeter.” (p. 159) Sara goes on to say, “God champions us like no human can, but we don’t often see that unless we have nowhere to look but Him.” (p.160)
We can take this advice from Sara. “When I start to feel worthless, unnoticed, and overlooked, I pray, ‘Keep me as the apple of Your eye; hide me under the shadow of Your wings’ (Ps. 17:8)” (p. 170)
Sara warns us that sometimes we perceive “another’s perspective and receive it as truth.” (p.191) And, “Even Jesus’ closest companions were trapped in their ways of thinking and seeing things.” (p. 202)
To get to the truth we have to say, “Who You are, God, is more important than what I see in front of me and what others see of me” (p. 208) And, “Yes, we want to be known. but how often do we consider that God wants to be known too?” (p. 220)
The Bible says to pray without ceasing. “Unceasing prayer can grow to be something we do not because of discipline but because of friendship. Desire. It’s where we’re headed, if we’ll let Him take us there…. One day you just may want to pray without ceasing.” (p. 227)
I’ll end with one last quote from Sara. “As long as we’re on earth, we will thirst for God. And He will respond. It may not be in the way we expect or within our timing, but He promises to respond to the thirsty. It’s His way with us.” (p.182)
I hope I have encouraged you to buy this book and study it deeply. Sara has such good insights for all ages, male and female.