I was reading a post from Terri Savelle Foy about “10 Things Unsuccessful People Do.”
Terri tells about an entrepreneur who was sharing his secrets of success. He said, “I just try to avoid being unsuccessful.” He went on to say that he studied what made someone unsuccessful and tried to eliminate their habits from his life.
Do you know what the very first habit listed for things unsuccessful people do was?
You guessed it.
Terri says, “People can identify exactly how successful or unsuccessful you are the moment you open your mouth….the only thing complaining does is convince other people that you are not in control.”
As I read more, I had to question myself. I don’t complain, DO I? And then my mind begin to roll like a movie reel of all the things I complain about. I wrote in the margin of the notes from the PDF version… STOP COMPLAINING!
Here are my notes to self taken from the article:
- If you’re not going to make changes, then stop complaining.
- Pay attention to everything you complain about… the weather, how you slept, your hair, the food is cold, your head hurts, I’m so tired, the traffic…..
- When you complain you get a lot more to complain about because you get what you focus on.
- “When you complain, it spreads to those around you and brings your entire atmosphere down.”
- The Israelites complained constantly about everything… the water, the weather, the food, the leadership…. and a trip that should have taken them 11 days, took them 40 years.
- “Complain and you’ll remain.”
- Philippians 2:14 “Do everything without complaining and arguing,” (NLT)
- Proverbs 18:21a “The tongue can bring death or life;” (NLT)
- “When you complain, you sound powerless.”
Here are the rest of the other nine things unsuccessful people do according to Terri’s article:
2. They are always late.
3. They blame others.
4.They waste money.
5. They surround themselves with other unsuccessful people.
6. They watch a lot of TV.
7. They don’t take care of their health.
8. They gossip.
9. They procrastinate.
10. They quit.
If you want to learn more, click on 10 Things Unsuccessful People Do to get the PDF from Terri Savelle Foy Ministries.
Terri also has the book, 5 Things Successful People Do Before 8 A.M. You can find the book on her website for $25.00 or on Amazon for $22.50 for the paperback version. (See Cover Below)
Do you struggle with complaining? How do you stop yourself?
Great post, Jane. I love reading books that motivate me to do better.
Absolutely,Tim, I do too! All of Terri’s books and articles are very motivating.
Thank you for sharing this information, Jane. Praying that everyone focuses on the beauty and positive things.
Great prayer, Joni! I’m taking the 30 day “do not complain challenge” for myself. I’ve already been wondering if complaining in your head counts. I think I’m going to need those prayers badly.
Wow! Convicted! I think most of us don’t consider the things we say to ourselves or our spouses about how we may feel at any given moment of the day as complaining. It becomes so naturally to us, it seems like “normal” conversation.
Thanks Jane! Much to think about and many changes to be made. I think this surely must accompany “Hold every thought captive.”
Another excellent post!!
Thanks, Debbie! Yes, we definitely have to follow that Biblical principle…to “take every thought captive”. Great point!