Sometimes you just have to take a sick day. Life catches up with you and a common cold knocks you off your feet.
I say common cold—
There’s nothing common about colds anymore.
Colds seem to be harsher now than when I was a little girl. Pre-twenties, I might get sick for a couple days, run a low grade fever, but I just kept going. No biggie. People with colds still went to work, because it was just “a little cold”, you didn’t worry about someone else catching it, because it seemed tame and benign and would be gone quickly.
Nowadays, you’d better isolate because the common cold could kill people.
The modern cold knocks you off your feet:
- You feel like your head is on fire and fixing to explode at any moment.
- Your fever spikes to 101.2 – no low grade fevers.
- Your chest hurts and when you have a coughing spell you are surprised to find your head didn’t detonate with that much pain.
- You can’t eat.
- You can’t sleep for the coughing and dripping nose.
- You feel like you’ve been attacked by Satan.
Do I sound like I’m whining. Only because I am. But, I know, I know, “nobody likes a whiner”.
So, I’ll keep my whining to myself and just take a sick day.
Do you feel like colds are getting worse, as in, end times—Armageddon worse? Please comment below.
I don’t mind the whining and I think it is warranted.🤒
Yes, please get some rest on your sick day(s). Praying for you.
Thank you, Tim!
Definitely! J came down with one this week. He’s much better, but it was worse than in the past. C test was negative, thankfully! OTC meds kept it from getting worse.
You take care! Take more than a day if you need it! I gave him the week off. Have done my chores and his, too. I’m tired, but thankful he’s better.
Praying for you over in FR!!
Thanks Debbie! So grateful for prayers and I know J is grateful to you also for letting him take a sick week. Sometimes we need those, don’t we:) I hope you get rested up to celebrate Christmas!!!
So sorry you’ve been sick! Praying you heal quickly. 🙂 Appreciate you powering through and blogging. Making and keeping that commitment is difficult, but shows you are committed to your readers.
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement to blog. I’m grateful for all your support, Joni.🥰