Learning From the Wisdom of the Past

My daughter and many other homeschoolers have started to revisit the McGuffey readers for teaching reading, spelling, and wisdom from the past. Today, I am looking at The Original McGuffey’s Eclectic Second Reader. The publish date is 1836, and I would first...

When Satan Attacks

Praying God’s Word. So… last week my post was about every problem having a solution. I felt I had found my solution to carving out writing time. And it was working… until… We read different things about Satan, but a few things I know is that...

Finding The Solution

Every math problem has a solution. So does every other problem we encounter in life. We just have to search for it. If you think this is not true, I want you to think of a problem that you think has no solution, and then think of the most drastic answer to it that...

The Draw of Looking Younger and Feeling More Energetic

Life is taking a toll on everyone nowadays. So the experts tell us to handle all the stress by being more self-aware. They say slow down. Take care of yourself first, then you will have more stamina to help care for others. Sounds pretty good and then you read Matthew...