Being Known

What a beautiful book cover! I want to be there on this cold, rainy day!! If you have read any of my other blog posts, you know how much I love the author, Robin Jones Gunn. I devour any new book she writes and read the older ones over when I am out of reading...

Christian Fiction Medical Series

I typically don’t read medical series or watch medical shows on TV. They usually get it wrong, and after spending many years in the medical field as a Neonatal Intensive Care and Labor and Delivery nurse, I tend to nitpick their discrepancies. The series I am...

Being Understood

This week as we approach Valentine’s day, we are all thinking of love. Being understood is a piece of the package called love, that we all crave. We all want to be understood and loved for who we are. The problem is… we want to be understood, but we...

Why Is Daily Bible Reading Important?

Among Christian circles, I have been surprised over the years to find out how many people find it hard to follow a daily time of Bible reading. Some of the excuses I’ve heard have ranged from, there is just no time, to… I had to spend time with my dog...

A New Thing

Like many people, I chose a word for 2021. My word for the year is NEW. The verses I associate with this word is… “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?...