Jane H. Green Blog

Building A Fortress of Knowledge

I love rock walls like this one. None of the rocks are the same size, but with strategic placement, they begin to fit together. That is what a life time of learning is like. The absorption of a large load of information, balanced out by pulling it all together with...

How To Pray For Your Children And Others

I have always struggled to know exactly what to pray for my children everyday. If they have a specific need or crisis, I know exactly what I should pray. But, if everything is going along like normal in their lives, my prayers become repetitious and boring. I...

How To Be Satisfied With What You Eat

"When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land He has given you." Deuteronomy 8:10 NIV This week I have been reading from Annette Reeder's book, Satisfied. I have been on a quest for a long time to figure out what I believe about...

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