by Jane Green | Feb 24, 2025
AI says: “When sap rises in a tree, the water and nutrients stored in the roots during winter are transported upwards through the trunk to the branches, providing the necessary energy for new buds to open and leaves to grow, essentially marking the tree’s...
by Jane Green | Oct 21, 2024
I love planting pansies this time of year. Did you know that if you plant them now, they will bloom all winter long until the end of May? After that the hot weather in June takes them out. (SIDE NOTE) — My clematis and morning glories had taken over this area. There...
by Jane Green | Sep 9, 2024
Do you ever play mind games with yourself to get your work done? Do you ever say to yourself, “If I get this part of the house cleaned, then I will take a break and watch a favorite YouTuber?” I used to do that, but with age, I’m now playing even...
by Jane Green | Aug 19, 2024
I started my DIY patio project in April. Now, midway through August, the end is in sight. Below is right at the beginning when I was having to wet the clay to be able to dig it out. Here is a more recent view from close to the same angle showing more of where I am...
by Jane Green | Aug 13, 2024
When you think of plagues, most of the time for Christians, our minds go to Moses and bloodied water, frogs, lice, grasshoppers, boils, hail, and death, etcetera. As I worked in the garden this week, I kept thinking we actually deal with plagues every day. My garden...
by Jane Green | Jul 22, 2024
I don’t know about you, but I’ve looked for God’s will in my life—for a lifetime. Years ago, in desperation, I went to the library and typed “God’s will” in their search engine and something came up. If my memory serves me correctly...