Finding Peace

Peace is very hard to hold on to these days. Psalm 34:14b tells us to “seek peace, and pursue it.” Jeremiah 29:4-7 tells about how the Israelites could find peace, even in the midst of captivity. It says: “Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of...

When Your Answer Really is — Just Around The Corner

I’ve been blogging over several posts about the progress of taking carpet off our front porch. On May 17th I started tearing out the carpet to get rid of dust, allergens, cat hair, dirt… you name it. Since then I’ve run the gamut of up’s and...

Lessons Learned

I tend to bite off more than I can chew. A LOT! I have no idea why I decide I can do certain things that are beyond most women physically, but I jump right in and then find out I’m in over my head. For the last few weeks I’ve blogged about my journey with...

You Can Do Hard Things!

I’ve been working on installing a DIY patio now for several weeks. By myself, I dug out the area and transported the sod to the backyard where it can be tilled and incorporated into a deep slope. By Saturday, I had finished digging out all the sod and spent that...

Patio Update

I am continuing to work on the patio area when it is not raining. I got a little more dug out today, but it was very hot, muggy, and buggy. The gnats were terrible. It seems lavender repels them a little, and I have a spray that I use to keep them away from my face as...

Where There’s A Will There’s A Way

I love old sayings like the one in the title of today’s blog. They can be an encouragement to work hard and not give up. I found this old saying in The Long Winter, a book by Laura Ingalls Wilder. As a child, and as an adult, these says flit through my mind...