Everyone Needs A Reading Nook

I don’t know about you, but I think everyone needs a reading nook. I watched a YouTube video the other day on how to redecorate a room without spending any money. The young lady on the video was helping out her sister and college roommate with her skills. They...

Lay Your Burdens Down

I took a burden to the Lord To cast and leave it there. I knelt and told Him of my plight, And wrestled deep in prayer. But rising up to go my way I felt a deep despair, For as I tried to trudge along, My burden was still there! Why didn’t you take my burden, Lord?...

When You Bite Off More Than You Can Chew, Keep Chewing

I bit off more than I could chew on Friday and Saturday. I stopped working on the projects at my house and volunteered for a project at my son and daughter-in-law’s house. The project was to take up the brick patio in front of their house, clean the grass out...

Don’t Quit

I’ve been working on two different projects over the last few weeks. My DIY patio is to this point… see picture below. And my front porch is only a little further along than this last picture. I had rain delays and poor customer service to deal with when...

God Cares About Crazy Cat Lady’s

I never wanted to be a cat lady. From 5th grade until 10th grade my Dad was a pastor at Second Baptist Church in Cherryville, N.C. On the corner across from the parsonage sat a small, white, fenced in house. Morning and night a little old lady with snowy white hair...