Jane H. Green, Writer
“Are You ‘There’?”
Last week's post was about Vance Havner and his book, The Best of Vance Havner. I have continued to read it. His writing style is fun to read and although humorous, there is something deep hidden in his stories. One of my favorite stories was of a pulpit committee...
Who Was Vance Havner?
My dad attended Fruitland Baptist Bible College when I was a child. He pastored four churches, and worked as an associate pastor for a short while. He will be ninety-years-old in April. He doesn't read his seminary books anymore so I asked him what he planned to do...
Happy New Year! So how are you starting this New Year, 2024? Do you have a word, a Bible verse, or do you make resolutions? Or do you just let God guide each day for you and rest in that? (Maybe I'll try that next year!) I have found that I do better with Bible verses...