Jane H. Green, Writer

Fighting Our Battles

Gardening is an ongoing battle. About a month ago I had my paths weed-eated between my raised beds and while it was not exactly what I wanted, it was manageable. Then I got busy, hurt my back, ended up going to the chiropractor, and couldn't work in my garden until...

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Last week I referenced a book (see above) that has helped me in the area of watching my food intake and keeping my weight down. Before I put the book back on the shelf, I'd like to take another look at a chapter that really got my attention. Strongholds So many of us...

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Conflicted on Book Reviews

Are you sometimes conflicted on giving book reviews? Sometimes much of the book is great and then there is that one thing that makes you think—humm, maybe I shouldn't share that. As Christians, it is important for us to share books that are helpful, line of with the...

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