Jane H. Green, Writer

Why I Don’t Pledge Allegiance To The Flag

The Fourth of July is a reminder of what a great country we live in. A country established by godly men who used the Bible for their reference in setting up our principles. One of our Sunday School teachers at church mentioned that he had found fifteen references to...

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Who’s Watching You

I have been re-reading Jennifer L. Scott's book, Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic, for inspiration on improving myself. And I ran across this quote from Jennifer, "No one is insignificant. No one is an accident. We are all valuable and we all have something to...

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Rest and Reset

I have taken a week off to rest and reset. And write. Do you ever feel the need to do that? Maybe your life is not unfolding exactly the way you would like it too and you need to get some things under control. On Sunday morning, I spent two hours walking on the beach....

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