Jane H. Green, Writer

Free to Be Holy: A Book Review Part 3 and Final

As I conclude this series, we will take a small peek at the information in the final part of the book, Free to Be HOLY The Liberating Grace of Walking by Faith, by Jerry Wragg & Paul Shirley. I would like to encourage you to buy the book and do your own personal...

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Free to Be Holy: A Book Review Part 2

Last week I began a review of the book, Free to Be HOLY The Liberating grace of Walking by Faith, by Jerry Wragg & Paul Shirley. You can read part one by clicking this link. This week I want to take a closer look at what the authors say about the roll of FAITH in...

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Free To Be Holy: A book Review Part 1

Last week I posted a blog about how God might view evil. You can read that post here. This week I want to switch to the other end of the spectrum and start a review of the book: Free to Be Holy The Liberating Grace of walking by Faith, by Jerry Wragg & Paul...

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