Jane H. Green, Writer

Why Is Daily Bible Reading Important?

Among Christian circles, I have been surprised over the years to find out how many people find it hard to follow a daily time of Bible reading. Some of the excuses I've heard have ranged from, there is just no time, to... I had to spend time with my dog before going...

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A New Thing

Like many people, I chose a word for 2021. My word for the year is NEW. The verses I associate with this word is... "Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will...

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We make choices every second of the day. What to read, what to look at on Tv or social media, what to say, how to raise our children, and how to spend the money allotted to us by God. We make judgements based on information received, and we speak from either a good...

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