Being Understood

This week as we approach Valentine’s day, we are all thinking of love. Being understood is a piece of the package called love, that we all crave. We all want to be understood and loved for who we are. The problem is… we want to be understood, but we...


Until this year I have not really paid much attention to Advent. I would hear people talking about it, and I knew it had something to do with Christmas, but other than that, it just didn’t draw my interest. This year a friend sent me a John Piper book, The...

How To Look… “Set Apart”

“But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself…” Psalm 4:3a (KJV) What does it look like to be “set apart”? To not look like the rest of the world? There are plenty of Bible verses that tell us what it looks like to...