Teaching Children

I find it interesting to teach children. They come up with some very creative questions about any subject matter. They also get off track easily and chase a “squirrel” at times. If you’re not careful, you will find yourself going down the rabbit hole...

Miss Hickory: Remembering Great Books From Childhood

Miss Hickory, by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey, was a Newbery Award winner copyrighted in 1946. As a young girl in the 1960’s I don’t remember how I came upon this book in our school library, but somehow I found it and read it alone in the quiet of my bedroom. I...

Summer Days

I don’t know about you, but growing up, my entire summer was considered a vacation. A vacation from the work of going to school😉. During this time I spent my days reading books like these: …and dreaming of what I was going to be when I grew up. I first...

A Lesson On Humility and a Book Review

If you read my blog very much, you know that I am a fan of the Mally family’s books. It doesn’t matter what subject they are addressing, you will always get from their books— ways to improve your walk with the Lord. A few years back I picked up one of...