Philippians 1:9-11 “And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; Being filled with the fruits of...

The Spirit Speaks

How to Hear God’s Voice When You Read the Bible by Tyler Gaulden Book Review We recently had revival at our church. One of the pastors that spoke was Tyler Gaulden. He had these small books for sale, and I purchased one. After I began to read it, I decided I...

The Draw of Looking Younger and Feeling More Energetic

Life is taking a toll on everyone nowadays. So the experts tell us to handle all the stress by being more self-aware. They say slow down. Take care of yourself first, then you will have more stamina to help care for others. Sounds pretty good and then you read Matthew...

Do You Know What Your Children Are Reading?

I chose a new book to review for this blog in which the heroine was a fourth grader. It seemed a sweet book about a little girl who loved books and her favorite place to escape was the school library. Wonderful! Right? But, as I read, I began to have red flags going...

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever: Book Review

Since this is the beginning of the week of Christmas, I wanted to review a book that would be fun to read to your children, or grandchildren this week. Hint: it’s a fun book for the adults as well. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, by Barbara Robinson,...

Book Club Review: Inside Out by Dr. Larry Crabb (Part One)

A few years ago, I ran a book club. It was so much fun! Each month we would vote on a Christian based book, read it, then gather together and discuss the contents and how it affected us. A friend was recently talking to me about a new book they were doing in a Bible...