Learning From the Wisdom of the Past

My daughter and many other homeschoolers have started to revisit the McGuffey readers for teaching reading, spelling, and wisdom from the past. Today, I am looking at The Original McGuffey’s Eclectic Second Reader. The publish date is 1836, and I would first...

The Draw of Looking Younger and Feeling More Energetic

Life is taking a toll on everyone nowadays. So the experts tell us to handle all the stress by being more self-aware. They say slow down. Take care of yourself first, then you will have more stamina to help care for others. Sounds pretty good and then you read Matthew...

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever: Book Review

Since this is the beginning of the week of Christmas, I wanted to review a book that would be fun to read to your children, or grandchildren this week. Hint: it’s a fun book for the adults as well. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, by Barbara Robinson,...

Book Club Review: Inside Out by Dr. Larry Crabb (Part One)

A few years ago, I ran a book club. It was so much fun! Each month we would vote on a Christian based book, read it, then gather together and discuss the contents and how it affected us. A friend was recently talking to me about a new book they were doing in a Bible...

FEVER 1793: Book Review

FEVER 1793, is a young adult, fictionalized account, of the yellow fever pandemic written by Laurie Halse Anderson and published in 2002. This copy was borrowed from my daughter’s extensive library. Once I started reading, I couldn’t put it down. This is a...