An Easy Way to Teach Fractions to Young Children: Book Review

Taryn Souders has written the best book for teaching fractions to young children and maybe even refreshing yourself on the subject. Her book, Whole-y Cow! Fractions Are Fun, is a rhyming book that shows how to divide, painted cows, colored bathing suits, scoops of ice...

The Huge Miracles We Have Missed

Life is so busy. We miss so many things that are really important for us to see. I went out early this morning while it was still cool to pull weeds in a strawberry bed I planted around a tiny greenhouse we use to winter over small container trees and plants. Here are...

Building A Fortress of Knowledge

I love rock walls like this one. None of the rocks are the same size, but with strategic placement, they begin to fit together. That is what a life time of learning is like. The absorption of a large load of information, balanced out by pulling it all together with...