Jane H. Green, Writer

January and Jeremiah

I don't know what it is about January, but I get very angsty this time of year. I feel overwhelmed, and anxious, and need to do something major to calm my soul, which usually involves a deep cleaning and organizing. I can't work on any other projects in my life until...

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A New Year

So— Christmas is past, and a New Year approaches. I find myself facing each New Year with surprise that I made it through the last year and that God has left me on this earth to once more attempt to find His Will and Path for my life. As many of you do, at this time...

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Taking A Sick Day

Sometimes you just have to take a sick day. Life catches up with you and a common cold knocks you off your feet. I say common cold— but... There's nothing common about colds anymore. Colds seem to be harsher now than when I was a little girl. Pre-twenties, I might get...

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