Jane H. Green, Writer


Until this year I have not really paid much attention to Advent. I would hear people talking about it, and I knew it had something to do with Christmas, but other than that, it just didn't draw my interest. This year a friend sent me a John Piper book, The Dawning of...

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Learning From Historical Fiction

Last week I reviewed a book from Nancy Lohr for boys ages 7-9. This week's book review is for boys ages 9-12, and the time period takes us back to 1768-1770. The book titled, Songbird, is the story of a boy whose father is considered to be a "lower-class laboring" man...

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Finding Christian Fiction for Boys

It seems hard to find really good Christian fiction for young boys. Today, I would like to introduce a historical fiction book for boys ages seven to nine. Pelts and Promises, by Nancy Lohr, is the story of a boy who decides to "change my world" and a reluctant...

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