Jane H. Green, Writer

Review: Beyond the Bright Sea by Lauren Wolk

Lauren Wolk has a gift for writing that draws you in with tension, adventure, and showing you just enough to make you want to turn the page. Her characters are so three dimensional you can see their hearts, exposed by their thoughts and actions. It is the kind of book...

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Understanding God in times of Crisis

This past week was a very trying time for my daughter and her family. A time of crisis hit, and it brought all of us to our knees. We were afraid, even though God says not to fear. We prayed, fasted, and tried to keep our eyes on God, but there was so much that we...

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How To Look… “Set Apart”

"But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself..." Psalm 4:3a (KJV) What does it look like to be "set apart"? To not look like the rest of the world? There are plenty of Bible verses that tell us what it looks like to be "set apart"... to not be...

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