Book Club Review: Inside Out by Dr. Larry Crabb (Part TWO)

At the end of part one of the book review for Inside Out, I left you with the idea that to cope with life better, we have to change ourselves from the inside out. The book asks the question: “What Does It Mean to Change?” (p. 42) The next questions are:...

Book Club Review: Inside Out by Dr. Larry Crabb (Part One)

A few years ago, I ran a book club. It was so much fun! Each month we would vote on a Christian based book, read it, then gather together and discuss the contents and how it affected us. A friend was recently talking to me about a new book they were doing in a Bible...

A Cinderella Complex

I had a “friend” tell me in my early 20’s that I had a Cinderella Complex. It wasn’t a compliment. As I was thinking about that today, I decided, after 40 plus years, to look up the definition. The best definition came from...

FEVER 1793: Book Review

FEVER 1793, is a young adult, fictionalized account, of the yellow fever pandemic written by Laurie Halse Anderson and published in 2002. This copy was borrowed from my daughter’s extensive library. Once I started reading, I couldn’t put it down. This is a...