An Easy Way to Teach Fractions to Young Children: Book Review

Taryn Souders has written the best book for teaching fractions to young children and maybe even refreshing yourself on the subject. Her book, Whole-y Cow! Fractions Are Fun, is a rhyming book that shows how to divide, painted cows, colored bathing suits, scoops of ice...

Sweating Drops Of Blood

Luke 22:44 Last week the temperatures soared into the 90’s. The local weather forecaster would say things like, be careful outside today, the high will be 91 degrees but will feel like 98 degrees. On those days, you make sure you do your gardening early in the...


I have always found the topic of self-discipline to be a fascinating subject. I am in the process of reading Jim George’s book, What God Wants to Do For You, and I recently stumbled onto his chapter about self-discipline. I couldn’t read it fast enough....