Jane H. Green, Writer

A New Rule For Increasing Productivity

I would love to be more productive. There are four areas in my life that demand productivity from me. They include: Garden/yard work/pool maintenance.Writing/blogging.Spending time with my grandchildren: coming up with creative things to do that keep them...

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Do You Have Questions About Dinosaurs And The Bible?

In our family we consider the Jurassic Park movie to be great summer fun. There's nothing better than swimming, then coming in for snacks and a scary dinosaur movie. Of course there are many more "Jurassic" movies since Jurassic Park was made but the first seems the...

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Why I Don’t Pledge Allegiance To The Flag

The Fourth of July is a reminder of what a great country we live in. A country established by godly men who used the Bible for their reference in setting up our principles. One of our Sunday School teachers at church mentioned that he had found fifteen references to...

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