Summer Days

I don’t know about you, but growing up, my entire summer was considered a vacation. A vacation from the work of going to school😉. During this time I spent my days reading books like these: …and dreaming of what I was going to be when I grew up. I first...

A Lesson On Humility and a Book Review

If you read my blog very much, you know that I am a fan of the Mally family’s books. It doesn’t matter what subject they are addressing, you will always get from their books— ways to improve your walk with the Lord. A few years back I picked up one of...

Brave Books

I recently joined the Brave Books Book Club with a monthly subscription for $18.99 each month. With a monthly subscription you can cancel at anytime. Even though it is cheaper to do a yearly subscription, from my past experience I have found that it cost me more in...

The Month of Love

February might be considered the month of love as we approach Valentine’s day. We see red and pink hearts , beautiful bouquets, and candy in heart shaped boxes. Hearts everywhere. Thinking about love and giving your heart to another person often starts at an...

Words By Heart: A Book Review

Today I am reviewing a historical fiction story set in 1910. Words By Heart, by author Ouida Sebestyen, follows the story of Lena, a twelve-year-old black girl living in the west with her family in a town with no other black people. The book was first copyrighted in...